Am I Ready to Get Botox?

If you’re wondering, am ready to get Botox, and just aren’t sure, we here at Wimmer Dental, serving the Littleton and Centennial areas, have a few indicators to help you decide. Botox is hailed as an effective treatment for wrinkles and its allure is clear but really not everyone is ready, so here are few things to consider.

You are ready to get Botox if… 

  • You recently noticed deep-set wrinkles and thinning skin. Deep-set wrinkles and thinning skin can be what Botox improves best, particularly if you are in your 30s and 40s. Botox is known for its ability to freshen up your face and reduce the appearance and depth of some of your wrinkles. Botox works really well when fine lines start to appear. If you are older though, Botox may not be as effective on its own.
  • You see deep wrinkles when you smile, frown, or make other faces. Botox can really help those wrinkles that disappear when you are done making a face. These wrinkles have dynamic rhytids. If the lines are there after you’re done making a face or smiling, Botox alone may not be sufficient, but can still be effective at reducing the depth of such lines.
  • You want to enhance your facial symmetry. If your mouth appears to be uneven when you speak or if one eyebrow appears to sit lower than the other, Botox may be able to help. Botox can be used to create a temporary, but more symmetrical appearance by relaxing the muscles on one side. This effect can last longer than the Botox injections done for wrinkle.
  • You want to soften your jawline. Botox is an effective way to soften your jaw, particularly if it is quite angular or square. Your masseter muscle, which is the muscle you use to chew, may be larger than other people’s. It is one of the reasons some people have prominent jawlines. You might be ready to get Botox if you want your face to seem longer, as well as softer.
  • You experience excessive sweating. One of the uses of Botox that the FDA has approved is to alleviate severe sweating. To alleviate a sweating issue, Botox is injected into armpits, palms, or the soles of your feet. Botox will prevent the contraction of those muscles that are used to sweat. This doesn’t mean you won’t sweat in other areas, after all your body needs to cool off somehow, but it can help if your sweating is a cause for embarrassment or discomfort.
  • You experience migraines frequently. Botox can help with migraines and excessive tension headaches. It can help reduce both the severity and frequency. Additionally, you can experience the added bonus of a reduction in the wrinkles in your forehead.
  • You have a gummy smile. Botox can be used to relax your lip so that less of the gumline will be visible. This kind of procedure can also be much more long-lasting. 

If you think you are ready to get Botox, come see us at Wimmer Dental serving the Littleton and Centennial areas. We can help your face look refreshed and younger.

You are not ready for Botox if… 

  • You have heavy eyelids or brows. Patients who have heavy brows or eyelids, particularly older patients may need to be careful about getting Botox injections. Patients with these issues can run into problems keeping their eyes open because their eyelids have become too heavy. Additionally, some people who get Botox around their eyes end up with cheeks that look too puffy or make their cheeks appear unnaturally high. See a licensed professional to avoid this.
  • You are older than 65 or have static facial muscles. The FDA has only approved Botox for use in patients 65 or younger. Those who are older than this would be better served by having other procedures, such as fillers. Additionally, your facial muscles may be too static (the wrinkles are always there) for Botox to be effective. This just means that Botox would not help in this situation, but there are other effective options to choose.
  • You have lofty expectations. Botox is not permanent and often wears off after three to four months. Additionally, Botox is not going to return you to your teen years. You are not ready to get Botox if you don’t have a realistic understanding of what Botox can do. It will soften the effects of aging in your face, particularly in your upper face where it works best, and it will make you look younger, but it will not make your face appear perfectly smooth.
  • You need to be expressive for work. If being able to communicate your emotions or being able to make specific facial expressions is important to your work, Botox may not be the right solution for you. Actors, news anchors, and therapists are examples of professions that may not benefit from Botox. Even parents and teachers may not be the best candidates because kids rely on your facial expressions to determine your mood. Though if your wrinkles make you look continually angry, Botox can help.
  • You have an underlying muscle problem. If you have a neuromuscular disease, Botox may not achieve the look you want because it uses the neuromuscular junction. On the other hand, patients with some issues can be helped. For example, Botox can improve facial symmetry for some patients with Bells Palsy or temporary nerve injuries.
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding. As with a lot of different things, Botox is not recommended while pregnant or breastfeeding. Mainly, there is not enough research to indicate that it is safe. While some patients have had a Botox procedure and later discovered they were pregnant without issue, it is better to be safe and wait till your baby will not be affected.

If you think you would benefit from Botox, contact us at Wimmer Dental in Centennial for a consultation. We can help you determine whether you’re ready to get Botox and provide this procedure in a safe medical environment. Schedule your appointment today.

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