What To Do When You Have A Dental Emergency

dental emergency

Medical emergencies are never fun. They’re painful, of course, and have an annoying tendency to interrupt life at the most inconvenient times. Whether it’s just before the big meeting or on a family vacation, there’s never a good time for an emergency!

All of these facts hold true for dental emergencies, but with some wrinkles. Often, people are unsure of what qualifies as a dental emergency. As such, there’s a bit of hesitation when deciding what to do. Should you go to the emergency room, immediately call your dentist, or perhaps handle it at home and see how it goes?

To help take the guesswork out of your plan of action, we’ve put together this handy guide. Read on to discover what you should do when you have a dental emergency.

Evaluate Urgency

Before you panic and begin frantically searching for every late-night dentist in the area, it’s important to take a moment to evaluate the severity and urgency of your situation. Some dental emergencies do warrant immediate attention, and if you cannot reach a dentist, you should go to the emergency, while others can wait.

As a general rule, if you are experiencing extreme pain or sensitivity, you should consider your condition severe. A dull toothache or mild sensitivity, on the other hand, can wait.

If you have gums that will not stop bleeding, have lost a tooth, or are experiencing painful swelling, you should seek out medical attention. Jaw injuries are also considered urgent.

Lost bridges, crowns, and fillings are not urgent, nor are broken or cracked teeth. Dull pain is also not urgent.

Decide Who to Call

If you have an urgent dental emergency, it’s important to contact the right healthcare professionals and have your emergency addressed quickly. If you have a go-to dentist, you should try to contact them first. If they are unavailable, you can seek out another dentist. In some cases, it’s necessary to seek immediate attention, in which case you should go straight to the emergency.

If your dental emergency is not urgent enough to demand immediate action, you can contact your dentist and arrange an appointment!

Stay Dental Emergency Free

The best thing to do for a dental emergency is to avoid having one! There are, of course, unavoidable accidents, but there are certain steps you can take that improve your odds of remaining emergency-free.

First and foremost, you should follow the advice of your dentist! If they prescribe you treatment or provide you with a plan, stick to it! This includes everything from treatments for specific issues to basic dental hygiene routines such as flossing and brushing.

If you’re unsure of any potential dental issues you may have, what routines to implement, or even what foods to avoid, just ask! Your dentist is there to help you maintain positive dental health, so utilize their expertise—they’ll be happy to help you.

Whether you’ve experienced a dental emergency in the past and want to be prepared for the future or simply want to talk to a trained dental professional about the health and wellness of your teeth, feel free to contact us. We’d love to hear from you and help in any way possible!