Understanding Dentistry

Facts About Snoring – And how Solea Sleep can help

Snoring. It’s the bane of some couple’s relationship, the butt of jokes in sitcoms, and, most importantly, an issue experienced by a tremendous amount of people. Despite its prevalence, there is quite a bit of confusion surrounding the topic of snoring. What causes it? At what point is it a serious medical concern? How can…

Why You Should Choose Dental Implants

Teeth are the often-overlooked hero of the body. If they are damaged, missing, or otherwise not able to perform properly, your quality of life can take quite the blow. Even if your damaged or missing teeth don’t significantly hinder you functionally, the effect they can have on your appearance may impact your self-confidence. Thankfully, there…

Questions to Ask About Cosmetic Dentistry

Now is an exciting time in the world of dentistry. With new techniques and technologies making dentistry more efficient, more comfortable, and just better, it’s never been a better time to be a dentist or a patient! Some of the biggest advancements have been made in cosmetic dentistry, making cosmetic procedures more popular than ever.…

Treating Sleep Problems without Surgery

Is it time to get up already? It feels like you laid down moments ago, only to toss and turn all night with very little real sleep. Now, your alarm is telling you to rise and shine because you have a full sleep-deprived day ahead of you. The thought of facing the day and going…

Why Now is the Best Time to Whiten Your Teeth

When you close your eyes and envision the ideal version of you, what do you see? Do you see a life full of happiness, of dreams come true, and of freedom to be your best self? Maybe you see lots of smiles and unabashed laughter. We sure hope so! Now, look a little closer—are your…

Don’t Hide Your Smile

You’ve likely heard the adage that confidence is key. When it comes to your smile, this has never been truer. Whether it’s the confidence to flash your smile on a first date or laugh with your friends without inhibition, the confidence to show your teeth is the freedom to be yourself. Too often, lovely individuals…

How Do I Know If I Have Gum Disease?

Our mouths are sensitive things, making it exceptionally important to properly care for them. Unfortunately, almost everyone experiences some form of issue—big or small—related to their dental and oral health at some point in life. While some of these things resolve on their own or with minimal effort, others require a bit more attention and…

Why You Should Schedule Your Dental Cleaning Today

Sometimes, life gets in the way of accomplishing things on your to-do list. This is especially true when summer rolls around, and you’d rather spend time with family and on the water than doing things that aren’t exactly fun. Scheduling a dental cleaning is one of those necessities that often gets pushed aside. We can’t…

Five Foods that can Damage Your Teeth

For being coated by the hardest substance in the body, teeth sure find a way to be vulnerable, don’t they? From cavities to unsightly chips, it seems there are endless threats lurking in your kitchen cabinets just waiting to turn your pearly whites into damaged goods. While it’s true that teeth are often damaged in…

What To Do When You Have A Dental Emergency

Medical emergencies are never fun. They’re painful, of course, and have an annoying tendency to interrupt life at the most inconvenient times. Whether it’s just before the big meeting or on a family vacation, there’s never a good time for an emergency! All of these facts hold true for dental emergencies, but with some wrinkles.…

Are Thanksgiving Foods Good For Your Teeth?

It’s hard not to be thankful when there’s a table stacked with delicious homemade foods in front of you. Classics like turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, and stuffing fill the air with mouthwatering scents in most homes, while others may embrace local cuisine by hosting a crawfish boil or enjoying fresh-caught seafood. No matter what…

What are the Differences Between ClearCorrect Aligners and Braces?

Braces have been a staple in not only cosmetic dentistry but also in popular culture for years on end. From movies mocking bulky dental hardware to the dread that filled most middle schoolers’ hearts when the word orthodontist was spoken in the 1990s, everyone is familiar with the shiny metal mouth wear. New cosmetic dentistry…